Pre-A/B testing mistakes to avoid: how to plan properly

A/B testing might sound like a straightforward game of comparing A to B, but if you’re not careful, you could end up with a big ol’ mess of useless data. Here’s the lowdown on some rookie mistakes that can happen before you even launch your test.

1. Not having a clear hypothesis

Ah, the gut feeling. It’s as tempting as that third cup of coffee, but just as risky. Starting an A/B test solely on a hunch or guess is very likely to lead to untrustworthy results and a heaping pile of disappointment.

How to do it right

To nail useful A/B testing results you need a rock-solid A/B test hypothesis, which is a clear, testable statement that predicts how changes to a landing page or element will impact user behavior. Here’s how to create a good hypothesis:

  • Dig into your web analytics: Look for patterns in user behavior that you’d like to make changes to.
  • Guess what’s stopping them: Use your Sherlock skills to speculate why users aren’t converting.
  • Craft your hypothesis statement: Make it clear what you’re testing and why it matters.

And always ask yourself the golden questions: 

  • Who’s visiting my landing page
  • Where did they come from? 
  • Why are they here, and why should they care about what I’m offering? 
  • What’s the secret sauce that could convert them? How do I sprinkle that sauce to boost conversions?

Recommended reading: How to formulate a smart A/B test hypothesis (and why they’re crucial)