10 real-world examples of A/B testing that made an impact

A guy named Isaac Newton (you may have heard of him) once said, “If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants.” To help you see the benefits of A/B testing and how it can get you closer to achieving your goals (and, hopefully, that promotion you’ve been eyeing), here are some A/B testing giants whom you can stand on examples that’ll help spark inspiration.

  1. Going
  2. Campaign Monitor
  3. First Midwest Bank
  4. Electronic Arts
  5. Performable
  6. TechInsurance
  7. Grene
  8. Vancouver 2010 Olympic Store
  9. HubSpot
  10. Vestiaire Collective

1. Going: How a three-word change led to a triple-digit conversion boost

In the bustling world of online travel deals, convincing potential customers to dive deeper into your offerings can sometimes feel like trying to spot a suitcase on a crowded baggage carousel. Going, a company dedicated to offering unbeatable travel deals, faced the challenge of converting visitors into premium plan subscribers. Despite having compelling offers, their conversion rates just weren’t hitting the desired targets.