If you’re braving the PPC jungle, you’re probably itching to know how to optimize your campaigns for the best possible results.

Lucky for you, we’re here to help you with tips and best practices for making your PPC rates the best they can be. After reading this post, you’ll be a PPC alchemist, ready to turn those clicks into gold.


What is a PPC conversion rate?

A PPC conversion rate is a metric that measures the percentage of clicks on your PPC ads that result in a desired action—think purchase, signup, or download. It’s a pretty important signifier of the effectiveness of your PPC campaigns.

Basically, your PPC conversion rate tells you how many of the people who clicked on your ad actually followed through with the action you wanted them to take. 

A high PPC conversion rate means that your ad and landing page are performing well together, while a low PPC conversion rate indicates that there’s… room for improvement.

How do you calculate your conversion rate for PPC campaigns?

Before we get to how you can improve your PPC conversion rate, you’ve gotta figure out how to calculate it in the first place. It’s time for some marketing math.

Calculating the conversion rate for your PPC campaigns is pretty straightforward. Here’s the formula: